Verlag für Geschichte
der Naturwissenschaften
und der Technik

Burning for Science—a Woman in a Technical Field

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 (2025) (2025)

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Burning for Science—a Woman in a Technical Field
(Lives in Chemistry – Lebenswerke in der Chemie)
314 pp, 227 fig., hardcover, in slipcase, 39.80 €
ISBN 978-3-86225-137-7
(Will be released on January 2025)
Autobiography of the professor of physical chemistry at the Bielefeld University, a dual-career between cross-border science and family.


Table of Contents

PDF The table of contents is also available for download.

Why I Wrote This Book
1.1  The scientific life
1.2  The networking life
1.3  The mentoring life
1.4  Three lifes and three core subjects

2  Curiosity and How One Step Led to Another
2.1  The starting point
2.2  From atmospheric reactions to combustion
2.3  From combustion physics to engineering
2.4  From combustion reactors to laser spectroscopy
2.5  From familiar to uncertain territory
2.6  Returning to physical chemistry
2.7  From table-top experiments to synchrotrons
2.8  From flames to materials
2.9  From methods to perspectives

3  Networks, Organizations, and Participation
3.1  Research and funding
3.2  Academic governance, participation, and science-based advice
3.3  Conferences, networks, and scientific discourse
3.4  Professional societies and leadership
3.5  Combustion chemistry in different environments

4  Sharing the Passion for Science
4.1  Science for schools
4.2  Motivation for students: unusual insights into current research
4.3  Encouraging careers in science

5  Looking Back

  Words of thanks
  Image sources

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